I can make no claim of being part of any great humanitarian cause. I am a journalist who often covers politics and civil society. That is all. I worked for a while for some civil society groups, but was a novice figuring out what advocacy means (part of it is organising forums and writing position statements, I found). Because I am in Singapore, my CV is an anomaly. I am in a minority who pays attention to “human rights” and “freedoms”, terms often accompanying humanitarian endeavours. It is sometimes tempting to despair of others who are alienated from this language of social causes.
Recently, I’ve started to catch myself whenever I fall prey to such self-indulgence—“I’ve not even donated much to humanitarian groups.” Perhaps such reminders are a small consolation for my, honestly, meagre social commitment. Knowing this, though, I think it wise not to abstract my fellow countrymen completely from myself—that would be unhumanitarian. (Photo: Chun Pang)